Friday, May 9, 2008

Another cute Mouse pic

This is one pretty mouse

Cute Mouse picture.

To bad this photo has the watermark Logo on it. If i had some extra mad-money I'd buy some this pic and a few others. At least i can download it. Cut mouse huh?

Actually.. now that I've uploaded it, this pic doesn't have a logo on it. Cool.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

For the kids.

If any of you have kids this is for you (and them). I just thought this was kinda cute. MAybe you can print it out for your kids.

Baby Degu's!!

I have never seen baby Degu's before so seeing this pic was a nice treat for me.

They sure are cute little things.

Thanks Nim for giving me this pic!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Family of Hedgies.

Aren't they precious.

I'm gonna hide in this show

Hedgies are so cute


Now that is a precious site~!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Northern Luzon Cloud Rats

Just beautiful!

Pogonomys mollipilosus

This little darling is called 'Pogonomys Mollipilosus'

Lets have a drink!

I just thought this was a cute pic of hammies.

Tapir has a Capybara pillow.

Look at the Tapir using the Capybara as a pillow. To cute. I adore Capybara's (world largest rodent/rat)