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This is one pretty mouse
To bad this photo has the watermark Logo on it. If i had some extra mad-money I'd buy some this pic and a few others. At least i can download it. Cut mouse huh?
Actually.. now that I've uploaded it, this pic doesn't have a logo on it. Cool.
If any of you have kids this is for you (and them). I just thought this was kinda cute. MAybe you can print it out for your kids.
I have never seen baby Degu's before so seeing this pic was a nice treat for me.
They sure are cute little things.
Thanks Nim for giving me this pic!
Hedgies are so cute
Now that is a precious site~!
This little darling is called 'Pogonomys Mollipilosus'
I just thought this was a cute pic of hammies.
Look at the Tapir using the Capybara as a pillow. To cute. I adore Capybara's (world largest rodent/rat)
This would be a dream come true for me to have an Albino Squirrel as a pet. I mean, I'd love to have a squirrel as a pet. I'm always watching out for orphaned baby squirrels around my house. But, to have an Albino... that would just be amazing!
He looks very comfy.
Oh this picture is just to cute. He/She is posing, that's what makes it even more cute, like the hammie is saying "Yes, i knows i am adorables, so i will let yous take my picture"
It's amazing what rodents can do with their tails
I don't think that cat is very happy. The mouse probably isn't but it makes for a cute pic.
Aren't they the most adorable little critters. How can anyone thing they are ugly. Yes, they are unusual... but not *ugly*
Sorry for the 'Fotosearch' Logo. I got this pic from one of those 'Royalty Free' photo stock sites.
To cute. I had a Mouse once that looked just like this cutie.
'Friendly' the chipmunk photo's have been removed sadly because i received an e mail from the guy who took the photo's that he wants them down. While he was nice about it i think it is kinda sad. If i were him I'd want the wonderful story to reach more people and with my blog it would have. I just think it's rather lame for him to want them removed.
I have tons of professionaly style photos of my rats that i took and i let people use them all the time. The Friendly the chipmunk story is so wonderful you just think that the owner of the pictures and the owner of the story would want more people to see it and for more people to enjoy it.
While i respect his choise i think it's kinda sad that he asked me to take the down but he is entitled to do this. Poor Friendly, now all the people who view my blog won't be able to enjoy the story. I will not put the link up to the story.
This is the Guinea Pig enclosure at the Edmonton Valley Zoo.
I wish there was more info with the photo but there wasn't. I'd like to know if these were rescues or just an exhibit at the zoo. Anyone know?
To cute! He sure looks happy doesn't he?